Yin Yoga Sequences

Five Elements:

Fire Element Practices: short & long sessions for heart meridian

Short Sessions (30mn)

sphinx, seal | childs pose (knees apart) |childs pose (knees together) | ¼ dog (both sides) | melting heart | shoulder opener |full forward bend | savasana


Long session (80mn)

Wide knee childs pose & thoracic thread the needle twist | sphinx/seal | childs pose (knees together) | ¼ dog (both sides) | shoulder opener | supine twist | full forward bend | ½ dragonfly (both sides) | supine knees to chest | savasana

Earth Element Practices: Spleen Channel

Short Session

 childs pose | toes pose | dangling forward bend | dragon lunge (one side) | pigeon (one side) | shoelace (one side) | dragon lunge (other side) | pigeon (other side) | shoelace (other side) |butterfly fold | seated HARA breath meditation to close


Long session

childs pose | toes pose | dangling forward bend | dragon lunge (one side) | pigeon (one side) | shoelace (one side) | dragon lunge (other side) | pigeon (other side) | shoelace (other side) |butterfly fold | supported bride| half saddle (both sides) | full saddle | belly down savasana (full danda pranam)

Metal Element: Lung Line

Short Session

 dangling | dragon lunge [first side]  | camel | dragon lunge [other side] | half saddle [first side] | seated twist [both sides] | half saddle [other side] |savasana


Long session

  dangling | dragon lunge [first side]  | camel | dragon lunge [other side] | half saddle [first side] | seated twist | half saddle [other side] | square pose [both sides] | wide legged seated forward bend | full saddle | savasana

Water Element: Kidney Meridian

Short Kidney Sequence (40 mn)

Butterfly forward bend| Sphinx/Seal |Child’s Pose | ½ Dragonfly (each side) |Full Forward Bend |Savasana


Long Kidney Sequence (70mn)

Butterfly | Sphinx/Seal |Child’s Pose | ½ Dragonfly [one side] | Full Dragonfly |½ Dragonfly [other side] | Supine Twist [both sides] | Stirrup/Happy Baby | Legs up the wall | Savasana


Wood Element: Liver Line of Chi

Short Session (40mn)

Shoelace [mod: supine figure 4 or bottom leg straight] | Sphinx/Seal | Pigeon - both sides [mod: deer pose] | Childs Pose | Dragonfly | Savasana

Long Session (75mn)

Wide knee child’s pose & twist | sphinx/seal

All on one side: pigeon | shoelace | ½ shoelace | seated twist |square pose

 Repose: dragonfly or pentacle or supported bridge [legs long]

 Other side: pigeon |shoelace | ½ shoelace | seated twist | square pose

 Dragon fly


stabilizing session: grounding into earth

The meridian mechanism allowing us to find groundedness and stability even in the midst of uncertainty and overwhelm. May we be reminded of the inherent resources we possess for balance and a deep rooted state of rest.

May this serve to stabilize…. 

child’s pose

dangling forward bend

dragon lunge >half splits [R side]

shoelace [R side]

dragon lunge>half splits [L side]

shoelace [L side]

pigeon [both sides]

supported bridge


Recall in self-practice, we want our shapes/sensations to be….

  • stimulative but nourishing;

  • interesting/engaging but not tension forming;

  • transformative but not traumatic

Metta- Loving Kindness Yin Practice

Supta Badha Konasana

Pause soften & connect to Hara at the belly center

Altar of the Sacred

That ease is our baseline, we don’t have to effort or build hara. It’s always there. Then also cultivate - attitudes and traits as a practitioner- we have to develop them. Careful- full of care for our selves, for one another. we widen our mandala to incorporate this practice for the benefit of others.. 

Butterfly Forward Fold

Set intention for careful practice: full of care

For self & all others


Restorative Side bend [on bolster]  - one side

Restorative Twist [on bolster] – one side 

[contemplation:  When is the last time you felt truly generous? Kind? Feel the kind Buddha nature within, re-live the feeling, Regenerate this tone in your field of experience now.]

Restorative Backbend [on bolster]

[Empathetic joy. One of the qualities of the buddhamind, a heart thats radically open and able to connect.

Instead of just waiting for this to occur we practice and lean towards it]

Restorative Side bend [on bolster]  - other side

Restorative Twist [on bolster] – other side  

[Allow your mind to go back to early memories - Recall other past times from your memory when you’ve felt truly generous, compassionate, empathetic towards others. Exuded kindness. Savor the feeling tone of that, acknowledging these attributions of component of your basic nature. Just taking a few moments and drawing some delight feeling good about your self. The dignity of your own kindness. your tender humanity.]

Seated half dragonfly – both sides 

[meditate on people in your life- send them all this blessing:

“may you be well

may you be happy

may you be free from the causes of suffering”]

Seated Twist – both sides


Gather awareness at heart center for the duration of corpse pose.